To play the audio, just click the play button above at left. To download, click the "On the Road" title in yellow, which will take you to a site where you can download it as an mp3 file.

We are excited to share this first episode as we go "On the Road" this summer. Click on the play button above to listen. We're discussing the gospel reading for this Sunday - Luke 7:1-10 (click to read).
Each week we'll be starting a discussion to encounter scripture in our lives and right here in our community. But we'd like it to be just that, a discussion. So share it with friends - invite others to listen - discuss what you hear. Ask yourself - where does God meet me on the road this week?
Leave us a comment - where does authority come into play in your life? Who would your one phone call be to? When do we feel worthy?
Where is the road taking you this week?
We'd love to hear any feedback, suggestions, or further conversation that this brought up for you . . . Enter your email at right to subscribe and receive the episodes by email each Wednesday through the summer.
This Sunday, we'll start a sermon series encountering who Christ meets on the road. Join us for worship (8, 9:30, & 11)!
And if you're curious, try to guess where we'll be next week - the scripture text will be Luke 7:11-17.
So tune in next Wednesday - we'll see you on the road!