Wednesday, June 12, 2013

On the Road Week 3

To play the audio, just click the play button above at left.  To download, click the "On the Road" title in yellow in the box above, which will take you to a site where you can download it as an mp3 file.  If you see no image above or the audio will not play, click here for audio.

Read the text first or as you listen, by clicking here, Luke 7:36-8:3.
Where's the fanciest place you've ever eaten dinner?  What would happen if someone uninvited, someone unsavory came and waltzed right past the host and made a beeline to your table, pulling up a chair right next to you?
Who have you glanced past in life or made a snap judgment about, only to realize upon an encounter with them that you really didn't see the man or woman for who they are, like Jesus says to Simon, "Do you see this woman?"
In this text we an amazing contrast of women - one, unnamed, "a sinner" who has nothing to offer in response for her forgiveness but gives all that she has - her tears, her appreciation.  Others, at the beginning of chapter 8, who are named.  These women were disciples, who in thanksgiving response to what Christ has done for them, support the ministries of Jesus financially.  (Funny to think that even Jesus' ministry wasn't free and needed supporters - did Jesus have an annual meeting and budget?)
It seems that these provide a balance - each giving out of what she has.


  1. Traveled this week to GA, SC and NC . . . ended-up eating in a small (very small) country cafe with a couple of locals. It was evident that I wasn't "from around here", as everyone knew everyone else in the cafe. As I was with a several locals, I felt welcomed, though I was clearly being scrutinized by those who didn't know me.

    I cannot imagine being among the lowest of social status, coming uninvited into a cafe where everyone knew everyone else, each looking at me with disdain.

    God's Grace is sufficient for ALL, not just those in our "club". Something I need to keep in mind when I wane judgmental!

  2. The "click here for audio" link goes to the Week 2 audio. :)

  3. I am catching up now on Week 3 and found the correct audio. Just FYI!

  4. Thanks, Paige for catching that one for us. I've updated the links and I think they should each be working now!
