Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Advent 3 - Give More

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Last week was "Spend Less" - now you want me to "Give More?"  How does that make sense? 
We are talking about giving this week - about the best gifts we've ever given and been given.  And usually it isn't the most exciting or highest price items.
Sometimes giving is really appealing, exciting, glamorous even . . . we like to give to need, to meaningful causes . . .  But what about giving that is pretty ordinary? 
Giving as in. . .  
. . . giving your attention to your child's question;
. . . giving your time to doing your work well;
. . . giving to your church each week;
. . . giving your taxes;
. . . sometime these are pretty ordinary - but they are still giving that can free us - and create positive change for those around us. 
Giving More isn't about guilt.  It's about giving relationally, and it may not even cost a penny.  Maybe it's giving some quality time with your family.  Maybe it's giving forgiveness to someone who needs it in your life. 
In reclaiming Advent as a time of peace and preparation, it will mean giving more - to things that really matter - even the ordinary, beautiful, important stuff of life.
Giving and receiving is not about obligation and expectation, but about freedom and relationship, about joy that's given and shared. 
Think about the best gift you've received.  Think about how powerful that gift is in your life.   Join us for worship this Sunday (8, 9:30, and 11) or Wednesday at 6:45pm and we'll be given great gifts - of forgiveness, peace, nourishment... and because we are freed in Christ, challenged to give more. 

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