We're discussing the texts for August 25, 2013 - particularly Luke 13:10-17 and Isaiah 58:9b-14.
We've been "On the Road" following Jesus through the gospel of Luke all summer. Here in chapter 13, the passage we're looking at, Jesus is teaching in a synagogue on the Sabbath. It would've been easy enough for us to go to the local synagogue or our own sanctuary, but as we have all summer, we tried to think of a place in our community that tied in to the themes of the text and the people Jesus meets.
What does Sabbath mean to you? Tell us, here in the comments, on facebook, or in person... Is it always Sunday? Is it holy? I find it interesting that this program I am typing in automatically capitalizes Sabbath, though nothing else I can think of - not god, lord, sunday, etc. . . Maybe it says something about what I think of Sabbath that I wouldn't capitalize it!
The other major theme in these readings is healing. Many of the same questions emerge as with other healing texts of Jesus. Is this a two-part healing - her sins and then her physical ailment? Why is she healed and not my loved one? What does it mean to be healed? The woman's reaction and nothing more about her is noted - what is the rest of her story? Or is nothing else noted about her because the real ones needing healing are the synagogue leaders?
Always blessed to hear your thoughts - this is just the start of a conversation! Share with your family or a friend - ask them what they think about healing - or Sabbath . . . A
Thank you Pastors Bob & Brett: I appreciate your faithfulness in pulling together each of the PodCasts. Although I've not commented on each, I have enjoyed these mid-week scriptures and insights as I've been travelling across the US.
ReplyDeleteSabbath and how to appropriately honor our time with God, has always been a struggle for me. When I see people behaving one way, one day, and another the other six, it makes me wonder how the one day is really 'set-aside'. In a way, every day is a Holy Day unto the Lord!
I pray for healing for you Pastor Bob, and also for all of us. Not just for our backs and our other infirmities, but for our souls.
There is a "Balm in Gilead" . . . may we all seek to heal and be healed on the Sabbath and everyday. Blessings to you both, our MLC family and to all those who seek the Peace that passes all understanding. Tom K
Tom - thanks for your thoughtful comments, and your faithfulness in listening as you've been on the road yourself this summer...
ReplyDeleteI agree, every day is holy - and I try to set apart some time in each day for prayer and quiet, it nourishes my soul and my centeredness on what is important in life. Thanks for your prayers, and we add ours, for you and for all - for moments of rest for our souls. As Jesus said, the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath... It's a gift to be able to take time and honor God in our day(s)!