Thursday, September 19, 2013

Jesus, the only way?

To play the audio, just click the play button above at left.  To download, click the "On the Road" title in yellow in the box above, which will take you to a site where you can download it as an mp3 file.  If you see no image above or the audio will not play, click here for audio.

This week a clear theme emerged in the questions asked in the comments here and also by email. 
So we're discussing
one, true religion?

Listen to the podcast.  Share it with a friend.  Disagree, confused, or have further questions?  Leave a comment, email us, or start a conversation with a friend.  Leave us a comment and join the conversation with others.

We're excited to announce that we'd like to take these conversations offline as well - and invite you to join us,  Tuesdays at 7:00 at Bowl of Good on Port Republic Rd. 
Bring your questions, and an open mind - we can start with the question of the week, but anything is fair game.  We'll have the big table and a seat at it for you.  Bring a friend, bring your curiosity, come if you are a Muhlenberg member or you've never been.  No hidden agenda, no judgments - just open conversations about our questions of faith.  We'll get something to share and you can buy dinner, a snack, a beer, a tea, or just come join us!

Keep the questions coming, and thanks for those who have entered the conversation so far.  We intend these not to be lectures, but conversation starters - and we'd like to work from your questions each week. 
Just as a reminder, you can ask your questions for discussion a few ways:  comment here on the blog (click on comments below) - can be anonymous; email or either pastor (,, or leave us a note in our box at church.

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate the commentary on the topic this week. There is always comfort in remembering that God is in charge and that God's mercy is for everyone. Thanks be to God!
    I have a different series of questions that I'd like to raise on an entirely different topic. Lutheran's don't talk about the devil often. We talk about evil. Are they the same thing? Is everything evil the result of people making bad choices because we've been given free will? Is the devil and/or evil just another name for the love of power, wealth, and general selfishness which in turn inflicts pain and suffering on our fellow humans? Is the devil it's own entity (an outside force - fallen angel lurking around to tempt us)or a concept?
    What "not pat answers" do you have regarding the dark side?
    Thanks again for tackling the difficult questions.
